RCBS Chargemaster Combo 220v
Dosatore RCBS automatico composto di dosatore meccanico e bilancia di precisione , prodotto di affermata precisione.
per ordini oltre i 200€ con corriere SDA (only Italy)
Dosatore RCBS automatico composto di dosatore meccanico e bilancia di precisione , prodotto di affermata precisione.
per ordini oltre i 200€ con corriere SDA (only Italy)
This is a NEW RCBS Chargemaster Electronic Powder Dispenser/Digital Powder scale combo, Model 1500. This is an absolutely fantastic, state-of-the-art, powder dispenser system. Features on this unit include:
This powder dispenser/scale is brand new, taken from the box only to take the photos in the ad, and it is fully backed by RCBS's 1-year Limited Warranty. This item comes complete with two 50 g calibration weights for the scale, AC power adapter, handy clean-up brush, and very simple, short instructions. Don't miss this chance to get the latest and greatest RCBS powder dispenser/scale at a very affordable price!
Each purchase is for one NEW RCBS ChargeMaster scale/dispenser combo, but if you'd like more, just purchase the quantity wanted and we'll combine shipping on them to save you money!